博士生Priyanko Das以第一作者在Global and Planetary Change杂志发表Historical and projected changes in Extreme High Temperature events over East Africa and associated with meteorological conditions using CMIP6 models,对东非气候变化中的极端高温事件和趋势进行系统研究,为研究东非极端干旱对农业生产的影响提供科学依据。
非洲有38个沿海国家和岛屿国家,海洋渔业在非洲沿海国家经济社会发展中具有重要地位。博士生毕墨以第一作者在Fishes期刊发表Evaluation of Sustainable Utilization of African Marine Fishery Resources,在分析非洲海洋渔业资源开发现状的基础上,对海洋渔业资源的可持续利用进行评价。
非洲城市化一直是学术研究的热点,已经毕业的博士生任航在South African Geographical Journal发表Bibliometric analysis on African urbanization studies: patterns and trends of published articles,本篇论文是中国学者首次在该期刊发表的论文,对非洲城市化研究的主要内容与趋势进行系统的综述研究。
另一位已毕业的博士生魏国恩在Journal of Cleaner Production发表Investigating the impact of multi-dimensional urbanization and FDI on carbon emissions in the belt and road initiative region: direct and spillover effects,对一带一路沿线国家城市化和海外直接投资对碳排放的影响进行定量分析并探讨其溢出效应。
1. Priyanko Das,Zhenke Zhang*,Suravi Ghosh,et al. Historical and projected changes in Extreme High Temperature events over East Africa and associated with meteorological conditions using CMIP6 models. Global and Planetary Change,2023, 222 : 104068. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104068
2. Bi, M.; Zhang, Z.; Guo, X.; Wan, L. Evaluation of Sustainable Utilization of African Marine Fishery Resources. Fishes,2023, 8, 4. https://doi.org/10.3390/fishes8010004
3. Hang Ren, Zhenke Zhang*, Priyanko Das. Bibliometric analysis on African Urbanization studies: patterns and trends of published articles. South African Geographical Journal, 2023, 105(1):54-74. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736245.2021.2010590
4. Guoen Wei, Mo Bi, Xiao Liu, Zhenke Zhang*, Bao-Jie He. Investigating the impact of multi-dimensional urbanization and FDI on carbon emissions in the belt and road initiative region: Direct and spillover effects,Journal of Cleaner Production,384, 2023,135608. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.135608