
China Centre for Linguistic and Strategic Studies

The China Center for Linguistic and Strategic Studies (CCLSS) is a research center set up at Nanjing University in 2007, co-sponsored by the university and the State Language Commission. Its objective is to encourage interdisciplinary studies of language policies, language planning and language strategies and to promote cooperation in these areas both at home and abroad.

The current director of the center is Professor Shen Yang, who is a chair professor of the Cheung Kong Scholars Program and director of the Department of Linguistics, School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University.

Apart from conducting original research, the center works as a hub of knowledge and information. Its activities include providing information services, constructing international networks and setting up international cooperative projects and research programs. In this way, it functions as a window of China for international scholars and contributes to the mutual understanding between China and the outside world.

The center considers academic cooperation indispensable to its research and thus promotes, facilitates and initiates academic cooperation at home and abroad. One of these is the International Research Network on Urban Language Survey (IRN-ULS), a cooperative network of research institutions and individual scholars, which specializes in sociolinguistic studies of urbanization in a global perspective and serves scholars from different parts of the world for exchanging research results in forms of discussion, seminars and conferences. Since 2007, the center has become the host of the Forum on National Strategies of Languages.

The center also strives to link up with non-academic groups in society such as business figures, policy makers and the media by providing consultancy and information services, making the expertise on language planning available to the public.


Email: cclass@nju.edu.cn