
Institute of Nanjing Massacre History and International Peace Studies

Established on March 1, 2016, the Institute of Nanjing Massacre History and International Peace Studies is one in the first group of nine provincial key advanced think tanks of Jiangsu Province. Professor Zhang Xianwen, who is from the History Department of Nanjing University, serves as the president of the institute, while Zhang Jianjun, the director of the Memorial Hall for the Victims of Nanjing Massacre by the Japanese Invaders, serves as the executive director. Co-founded by the Publicity Department of Jiangsu provincial CPC committee, the Publicity Department of Nanjing municipal CPC committee, and Nanjing University, the institute is managed and operated by the Memorial Hall for the Victims of Nanjing Massacre by the Japanese Invaders.

The institute has recruited a first group of 44 experts, whose majors cover history, law, sociology, psychology, political science, and media. Under the institute there are the Research Center for Nanjing Massacre History, the Research Center for the History of Chinese People’s War against Japanese Aggression, the Research Center for “Comfort Women” Issues, the Research Center for Contemporary Japanese Politics, the Research Center for Peace Studies, the International Peace School, and other institutions.

Standing at the height of history and future, the institute endeavors to make trans-regional, trans-disciplinary research and cooperation, to offer advice and suggestions to governmental offices, to provide reference information for the government in public decision-making, and to promote global awareness and concern for world peace.


418, Shuiximen Street, Nanjing, China

Fax: +86-25-86501033

Email: zijincao2016@163.com