

Voices from Exchange Students: What's It Like to Study at NJU?

NJU has established partnerships with over 280 universities and institutions from more than 30 countries and regions. International students can study at NJU through exchange programs, visiting research programs, summer schools and degree programs. You can not only choose English and Chinese-taught academic courses, and Chinese language training courses, but also thrive in Buddy Program, student clubs and various cultural activities .

This semester, over 70 international exchange students from 15 countries have spent fruitful time on NJU campuses.  Carlos from Institute Technological de Monterrey, Diane from Aix-Marseille University and Tamara from University of Manchester would like to share their experience of being a NJUer. Now let’s hear their voices of study at NJU.



Division of Student Mobility Programs

Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges

Source: Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges

Editor: Chen Nan