

HKSAR Civil Servants visit Jinghai Temple

Recently, NJU hosted the 26th HKSAR Civil Servants National Studies Program. The event was attended by around 40 civil servants from various offices and departments of the Hong Kong SAR government. As part of the program, on the morning of July 1, the participants paid a special visit to Jinghai Temple.

Jinghai Temple is a historical site where China’s first unequal treaty, the Treaty of Nanking, was discussed in 1842. The Treaty of Nanking marked the end of the First Opium War and was one of the infamous “Unequal Treaties” that had a lasting impact on China’s history and foreign relations. At 9 a.m., the participants gathered at the square in front of the Treaty of Nanking Historical Archives Museum for a national flag raising event.

In the Museum, the participants deepened their understanding on the historical context and events surrounding the signing of the Treaty of Nanking, such as the causes and consequences of the First Opium War, the unequal terms of the treaty, and its impact on China’s sovereignty and foreign relations during that period.

Participants rang the Alarm Bell to remind themselves to never forget the lessons of history.

Representatives of Nanjing municipal government and NJU also participated in the event.

This national studies program includes lectures and site visits with topics covering the country’s history, its social and economic situation, and latest policies and developments. The program aims to promote stronger exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland.

Writer: Song Jiaxin

Editor: Guo Ankang